I've been swimming with Brig for a few years now. Our Masters Swim practice usually ends with cat rescue discussions in the parking lot. She'll tell me how many she trapped the previous week & I'll tell her how many emails I've received from people who need help with stray cats. I knew Brig was hardcore and she wanted to help as much as she could each day but it wasn't until I "covered" for her one night did I realize what an asset she is to the homeless cats in our community.
I found out Brig feeds 10 feral colonies each night!! And the colonies are dispersed all over our area. From down at the beach to out near the Everglades. It's this quiet caring that drew me to her & made me want to help. While she was out of the country, I fed just one of her colonies on a Monday night. I took a big bag of dry food as well as a couple of canned & spread it around in a parking lot. Wow, you should've seen all the cats that appeared. It was amazing. I counted more than 35. These little ones wait for Brig each night. I can't believe her commitment.
I'm a big proponent in spaying/neutering. Feeding is fine but the only way to really help these cats is to alter them. Brig knows this & has done her best to fix as many as she can afford. Of the 35(ish) I fed, only 1/2 were altered. She ran out of money. I'm determined to help this colony. I'm involved now. If you want to help me help Brig's cats, please respond & together, we can put a dent in this escalating overpopulation issue. If you saw the cats, you'd just want to. Thank you and thanks Brig!